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Books by Series
LUK Learning System for young children
Resources for Parents
Attention to Detail
Critical Thinking
Deductive Logic
Inferential Reasoning
Listening - auditory reasoning
Matrix Reasoning
Nonverbal Reasoning
Organizational Skills
Manipulatives for Spatial Reasoning and Numeracy
Quantitative Reasoning
Spatial Reasoning
Visual Processing
Is there a particular skill area you want to work on? In this section we've classified our most popular products according to thinking skill.

The range of products collected together on this website was selected because of their ability to improve thinking skills. If you teach a child how to analyze and interpret information they'll have an advantage over children who are simply given facts to memorize and processes to follow.

The multi award winning series Building Thinking Skills is the place to start. With just 20 minutes a day three times a week you can put your child on the path to Think, Learn and Succeed. Other series are offered here too. These titles have in common their emphasis on teaching core thinking skills separate from any particular subject area.

For young children have a look at the LUK Learning System. A best seller in Europe this collection is designed to maximize children's learning through play while meeting individual needs.

Tin Man Press is a publisher of materials designed to "Help children learn to think and like to think." If your child is in the early elementary grades one of their enrichment packs would provide you with a variety of activities to get you started.

Perhaps you have a gifted child and you're looking for test preparation material. Perhaps you are a teacher looking for classroom extension work. Perhaps you're a parent looking to provide your child with the missing link in their education. Perhaps you are a homeschooler who recognizes the importance of fundamentals. Whatever your reason for finding yourself here we encourage you to browse the material offered and choose something that your child would enjoy doing.