Grade(s): 3 Pages: 336 This colorful, fun book teaches reading, writing, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and thinking skills students are expected to learn in third grade and several skills and concepts normally taught in fourth grade. Language Smarts™ can serve as a core curriculum for language arts or as a supplemental resource. Improve your children's language arts skills while you develop their critical thinking skills with these easy-to-use lessons and activities. Teaching and practicing language arts skills and concepts has never been easier! No lesson preparation needed! Each section introduces a specific topic, followed by appropriate practice and application activities. These engaging and colorful lessons develop critical thinking and language arts skills through a variety of activities and different genres: parts of speech, punctuation, sentences and paragraphs, homophones and homographs, fact or inferences, writing, and more!
Syllables Consonant Blends Consonant Digraphs Long and Short Vowels Silent e R-Controlled Vowels Vowel Digraphs Vowel Diphthongs Y is a Vowel and a Consonant Word Families High Frequency Words Contractions Compound Words Synonyms Antonyms Word Parts Sentences Conjunctions Simple and Compound Sentences Paragraphs Common Nouns Proper Nouns Possessive Nouns Pronouns Adjectives Verbs Verb Tenses Subject-Verb Agreement Compound Subjects and Predicates Adverbs Prepositions Singular and Plural Capitalizing Alphabetizing Commas Periods Exclamation Marks Question Marks Colons Semicolons Quotation Marks Alliteration Articles Less and Fewer Farther and Further Good and Well Then and Than To, Too, and Two Your and You're Hear and Here There, Their, and They're I and Me Myself Imply or Infer Can and May Sit and Set Lie and Lay Fact or Inference Fact vs. Opinion Real or Make Believe Compare and Contrast Homographs Homophones Similes Metaphors Titles Subtitles Table of Contents Setting Plot Characters Main Idea Ordering Sequencing Categorizing Cause and Effect Story Maps Writing Numbers With Words Prediction Context Clues Reference Materials Using the Library Dewey Decimal System Writing Write a Research Paper Skills:Visual Skills
- Sequencing
- Compare/contrast
- Interpret and apply pictures, captions, diagrams, charts, and graphs
- Literal thinking
- Number-word sentences and expressions
Phonological & Phonemic Awareness
- Blend sounds to make words; identify, segment, and combine syllables in words
- Identify initial, final, and medial letter sounds
- Classify vowel/consonant, rhyming and non-rhyming words
- Recognize and categorize word families
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, & Capitalization
- Through single-skill practice with guided, gradual instruction and practice, and mixed-skills practice
- Predict
- Sequence/summarize
- Draw conclusions, make predictions, and identify facts and inferences
- Follow logical reasoning
- Synthesize illustration/text information, and cause/effect
- Identify and describe setting
- Summarize important ideas/events and supporting details
- Identify theme/topic, purpose, and main idea
Fluency & Flexibility
- Fluency and flexibility with word meanings and associations to improve: spelling, vocabulary, and reading through evaluating antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, homographs, homophones, prefixes, suffixes, and root words
Word Relationships
- Classify word groups
- Form pairs of related items
- Identify and classify types of analogous relationships
- Select and supply words and word pairs to complete relationships
