Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Multi-Level Edition Sample Questions
Our top pick to give you and your child an idea of what to expect is Building Thinking Skills. For highly capable children in Grade 3 or 4 Building Thinking Skills Level 2 is appropriate. For highly capable children in Gr 5 and up you'd want Building Thinking Skills Level 3 Figural and Building Thinking Skills Level 3 Verbal.
The Multi-level edition of the CogAT is used from Gr 2 (able classes) to Gr 12.
Verbal Battery- verbal classification, sentence completion, verbal analogies.
Quantitative Battery - number analogies, number puzzles, number series.
Non-Verbal Battery - figure classification, paper folding, figure matrices.
The Verbal Battery tests a student's vocabulary, as well as his/her comprehension of ideas, efficiency and verbal memory, and ability to discover word relationships. Statistics show a high correlation between high verbal ability and success in a variety of school subjects.
The Quantitative Battery tests the student's quantitative reasoning and problem solving ability and provides an appraisal of the student's general level of abstract reasoning
The Nonverbal Battery present the most novel problems to students. The items on these tests use only geometric shapes and figures that have had little direct relationship to formal school instruction. The tests require no reading. It is argued that the nonverbal battery is particularly suitable for obtaining an accurate estimate of development for students who have difficulty with reading; who have limited competency in English; or who have limited opportunities. The tests in the nonverbal battery are between fifteen and twenty-five questions each and students are given ten minutes for each test. (For examples of how these might be presented on the test see the Figural section of the relevant level of Building Thinking Skills.)
