Teaching and practicing language arts skills and concepts has never been easier! No lesson preparation needed! Each section introduces a specific topic, followed by appropriate practice and application activities. These engaging and colorful lessons develop critical thinking and language arts skills through a variety of activities and different genres: Common Phrases, Palindromes, Pangrams, Mnemonics, Nursery Rhymes, Poems, Folk Tales (Fairy Tales and Fables), Fiction, Non-fiction, Reality, Fantasy, Rhyme, Riddle, and Word Play.
Visual Skills: sequencing; compare/contrast; interpret and apply pictures, captions, diagrams, charts, and graphs; literal thinking; number-word sentences and expressions. |
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: blend sounds to make words; identify, segment, and combine syllables in words; recognize and produce rhyming words; identify initial, final, and medial letter sounds; classify vowel/consonant, rhyming and non-rhyming words; recognize and categorize word families. |
Comprehension: predict; sequence/summarize; draw conclusions, make predictions, and identify facts and inferences; compare/contrast; follow logical reasoning; synthesize illustration/text information, and cause/effect; identify and analyze characters/conflict; context clues; ordering; problem/resolution; recall details; restate; identify and describe setting; summarize important ideas/events and supporting details; identify theme/topic, purpose, and main idea. |
Fluency and Flexibility with word meanings and associations to improve spelling, vocabulary, and reading through evaluating antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, homophones, prefixes, suffixes, and root words. |
Word Relationships: classify word groups; form pairs of related items; identify and classify types of analogous relationships; select and supply words and word pairs to complete relationships. |
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization skills: through single skill practice with guided, gradual instruction and practice, and mixed-skills practice. |