B&B Publishing is a Canadian company. They began publishing Veritech in the 1960s. More recently they've added the Baba series, a storybook and game for children (ages 3+) and parents alike. Quickcheck Math is their latest series of books. It is a hands-on resource ideal for assessing, practicing and consolidating key math concepts in Gr K-3.
Veritech and Quickcheck math use the same self-checking play system as miniLUK. Baba and Bambino are comparable to Beyond123's Bambino series.
While the way in which the tiles and tray are used is the same in LUK and Veritech the markings on the tiles are different. The miniLUK controller and Veritech Case are interchangeable but the Bambino and Quick Think Math cases are different from the BambinoLUK Controller.
We have some information to help you learn to play Veritech.